Upgrading to 5.8.X

This is an important notice to all users upgrading from a version 5.6.X or lower to 5.8.0 or higher:

When running the update.exe it will upgrade all files to the latest version. However due to some structural changes, some users may see that the checks are no longer being updated after the update.

1/ Backup the complete ServersCheck directory to another folder

2/ Uninstall ServersCheck

3/ Reboot

4/ Make sure that the ServersCheck folder is deleted (you can delete all the files in there - if you have done step 1)

5/ Download the latest version of ServersCheck

6/ Install ServersCheck

7/ Copy all *.conf, *.lic files from the backed up folder

8/ Restart ServersCheck

Attention: the counters will be reset. The data in the graphs is not affected!
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