HTTP Status Failing

The HTTP Status check is failing regularly with status code 200 and intervals of 120 sec. Reason says Unknown. I get similar results with HTTP Header tests searching for a text string. PING tests work fine and the page always comes up fine. Ideas? Thank you.


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    "Unknown" is often related to the fact that either a connection to the webserver could not be made or a timeout request on the content.

    The value shown in the overview is the last known value it is not the value when it jumped to Unknown.

    PING requests are at a lower level (network level). HTTP is at an application level.
  • jdewaltjdewalt
    I can always bring up the page from a browser, and the interval is set to two minutes. I understand PING is at a lower level, I just added the info to show that a connection can reliably be made between the two machines. How do I troubleshoot the connection or find out why there is a timeout?
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Yes can debug as follows.

    Run via the command prompt in the agents subdirectory the following command (after having created the test.conf file detailed below in that same directory)

    "url_check test"

    All info is in the test.log file

    Create a file called test.conf in your agents subdirectory with following content:


    Method: GET

    Redirects: True









  • jdewaltjdewalt
    I get a runtime error saying that "This method cannot be called until the Open method has been called".
  • jdewaltjdewalt
    I rebooted and now I get a different "Run-time error '55': File already open".
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    What operating system / service pack are you using?
  • jdewaltjdewalt
    Windows 2000 Pro SP4
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Do you have the WinHTTP.dll installed (c:windowssystem32)?

    It comes default with Windows XP / 2003 systems and is used by the URL checking component. Could you also email the test.conf and test.log files to ?
  • jdewaltjdewalt
    Yes, it is installed there.

    Sending test.conf now. test.log was not created.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    The conf file contained some errors as apparently it needs to contain a space after the ":"

    The code has also been modified slightly over the weekend (to address the space issue and some other possible issues)

    Could you please download the latest version at

    and let us know if that solves the issue?
  • jdewaltjdewalt
    Thank you for the updated url_check file. I no loger receive a run-time error and the logs were created. I have sent them via email.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Ok from what it seems the logs are OK and I hope that the current version of the url_check.exe will fix it

    Can you replace the existing url_check.exe in your agents subdirectory with the updated one and then run the check from within ServersCheck?
  • jdewaltjdewalt
    OK, that is what I had done and it is running now. I'll let you know if I continue to receive the messages that the page is down. Thank you.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    So it works now? correct? (if so then we will include the update url_check in a maintenance release)
  • jdewaltjdewalt
    Most of the checks always worked, but it would often fail for no apparent reason. So far so good with this version.
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