Trying to set Warning Range Down Range for temperature probes.

I have the recently bought together the following Sensor Gateway server and Environmental temperature probes that are set for Fahrenheit. I am try to set up email the alert to notify me when the temp reaches 80 degrees Fahrenheit that we know there is an issue with the HVAC in our data center.

Owners manual seem to be out of date due to looking at different setting on the web interface vs the online owners manual.

In the PDF of the Owner'a Manual in section 8 page 49 gives no specific calculation or recommended settings.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  • PocholloPochollo
    What page seems to be different from the user manual than the web interface of your gateway?

    section 8 page 49 does not recommend settings because each data center or environment has different sets of standards, though I personally follow the ASHRAE standards as reference, Thus the page explains how each of the tabs work. And as per your standard you want yours to alarm at 80 degrees F. then your settings should look like.

    Warning : < 55
    > 75

    Down : < 50
    > 80

    with this set up you will get a warning alert at cold thresholds 55 and at the higher level of 75 degrees fahrenheit.
    (something might be wrong thus the warning alert)

    and then you will get a DOWN alert at cold thresholds 50 and at the higher level of 80 degrees fahrenheit.
    (your HVAC has an issue and needs immediate attention)

    there is a lower and upper value for freezing and heat points.

    I hope my simple explanation have helped you renegarcia68

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