Sensor permanently blue LED

Could you please given some guidance.

We have a IR Spot COVID Kit onsite. The sensor unit LED is permanently lit BLUE with the screen bouncing between Ready & a temperature measurement.

We’ve power the system down & restarted without any change?

Any help would be appreciated.


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    The sensor only takes a reading when an object is within range. That it shows non stop blue means that either something is in front of the distance sensor or the distance sensor is defect. It could be something as simple as dust or the sensor that moved inside the enclosure.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Further clarification: a blue led color is displayed when the sensor takes a temperature measurement that is out of range of human skin temperature. Such a reading is only taken when there is an object within range as detected by the distance sensor. The fact that it is always blue means that the sensor is always taking measurements as the distance sensors detects something in range. This could be due to dust or something else obstructing the sensor.
    Thank you, we will check the position of the sensor. I replacement sensor unit can be ordered if required?
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    The whole unit would need to be replaced / repaired. You can request a RMA from your order page.
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