Power Sensor / Firmware Upgrade

edited June 2012 in InfraSensing Sensors
I have several SeversCheck Gateway, v4's. We use them to monitor all sorts of different areas. But all of our areas monitor power, using the Power Sensor. I received a new Gateway, that has been updated to Firmware v2.07. This is the only difference between this Gateway, and the rest of ours. When I do a MIB walk on one of our current sensors, the result of the Power Sensor, is 0.00 if it has power and 1.00 if it does not. With this updated Gateway, the result is now "OK" if it has power and "FAIL" if it does not.

The software we use, to monitor all of our Gateways, is "Paessler PRTG Network Monitor". I need the numerical value of the sensor, in order for it to work properly.

So my question is... Is the firmware actually the issue, or is it a known issue with something else. Also, can I downgrade to firmware v2.0.0, or is it stuck with this version?

Thank you,


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    I am not familiar with PRTG but I did a quick google search and their manual shows that you can monitor a SNMP string value with as a condition "response must include" and where you would put the response as being OK.

  • mwhitemwhite
    That is for URL / Web Page monitoring. The standard SNMP log, does not give you that option. PRTG is not the issue though, the issue, and my question was directed towards the firmware of the Gateway.

    Thank you,
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    I think you are incorrect. SNMP string check is not related to URL / Web Page monitoring. See instructions for Paessler: http://www.paessler.com/manuals/prtg9/snmp_custom_string_sensor.htm

    Downgrade of firmware is not possible
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